Saturday 18 July 2015

the porphyry cope with the scratches

There are many leggends connected with the Saint patron of Verona, San Zeno and the beautiful basilica that carries his name.
For example, in 589 when Verona was flooded by the waters of river Adige, the locals saved themselves within the church of San Zeno and certainly attributed such a mercy to the grace of the Saint.
Another legend regards the giganic cope made of porphyry which is situated inside the basilica. They say that Satan threw it inside the church as the sign of his defeat agains Zeno and left his nail scratches on the cope.

The first building of the church was build in 380 after the death of the bishop in approximately the same position where it is situated at present. In the Roman period there used to be the cemetry. However, with the arrivals of barbarians (Lombards in this area of Italy), all the city and its heritage came into decline. The famous archdeacon Pacifico,who restored many of the most important places of cult in Verona in the epoque of Carl the Great (of his son Ottone I who resided in Verona), is thought to give  birth to the church. The remains of Saint Zeno were brought here in 807 from the benedectian monastry placed on the right of the church and that already existed at those times. However, the Ungarian invasion of IX-X century brought the building to ruins as many other churches of the town. The two complete reconstructions of XI and XIIcenturies saw the basilica emerge in its present look. Only a few modifications took place afterwards, but in general, the building has remained the same from the romanesque period, and this is one of its main treasures.

First of all, what is the difference between a basilica and a church? Basilica is a church that consists of at least three aisles and the central aisle is higher than the others. The facade of Basilica San Zeno is made in harmony with the proportions and has that typical colour of the stones of Verona area. 

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