Monday 20 July 2015


A point of arrival for many tourists, a must on many Grand Tours, Lake Garda is a subject which has always attracted gazes of curiosity, capturing people's attention ever since the early days of photography.
Il Tempo e l'istante (The Time and the Instant) is a temporary exhibition of photographic landscapes of Lake Garda at the Civic Museum of Riva del Garda. It is a journey over almost a century and a half of history, an excursus through its natural environment, local society, tourism and its transformation, rendered through images chosen from the vast heritage, evoking those who have lived through those periods, in various moments of its passing. Among the protagonists of this era, it is the tourists who frame many of the most beautiful or powerful views, or who have their photos taken in poses that change just as the tastes of the times depicted in this exhibition do. Some of the images chosen to represent this photographic journey are the work of photographers famous for in their day, such as Napoleone Segantini or Alois Beer. Furthermore, there is a particular focus on photographic publications of this era.
Observing the photos you can notice the numerous changes that have taken place in the small towns on the Lake: the fishermen's boats are replaced by the lakeside walking areas now full of flowers, palms, cafes and lots of tourists. The sand beaches are equipped with shower stands, beach volleyball and cyclers who make their way among the people lying in the sun.... And you feel like missing those times when the beauty untouched by men was not the destination of mass tourism. This exhibition makes you imagine living Lake Garda in its oroginal unspoiled beauty when it belonged only to a few number of local people and the elite of the Belle Epoque with Goethe, Nitzsche or Gabriele D'Annunzio.   

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